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It was around two years ago that the creative minds at Mortgage Business decided it was time for a brand ‘refresh’. A little commercial ‘facelift’ that would continue to represent the Mortgage Business philosophy for the next decade or so. It has been roughly ten years since the last time brand ‘refresh, so we thought the right time to do it all again…

It was around two years ago that the creative minds at Mortgage Business decided it was time for a brand ‘refresh’. A little commercial ‘facelift’ that would continue to represent the Mortgage Business philosophy for the next decade or so. It has been roughly ten years since the last time brand ‘refresh, so we thought the right time to do it all again…

This time, of course, we felt more knowledgeable, more experienced and generally much better equipped to go through the process than ten years ago. We held brain storming sessions, built mood boards, dissected our brand DNA and came up with three individual themes for the new and improved Mortgage Business. Firstly, we thought to develop on our current ‘friendly Aliens’ theme. To go into production with an Alien mascot and have an Alien built onto the roof of a company vehicle. Okay… Then we thought we’d take the idea that because we live and breathe mortgages, we would portray ourselves as Mortgage Geeks. How about we go with an idea that mortgages are ‘our world’ and run a campaign of interplanetary styled adverts. OK, so clearly the last ten years hadn’t done anything to improve our marketing minds. In the slightest!

So what do you do when you can’t come up with any decent ideas or you can’t even agree on a common theme? You scrap them and turn to the experts. People who do this sort of thing for a living, of course! I mean, we’re the mortgage experts, we’d want you to come to us to find the best mortgage. It made complete sense! So thanks to the creativity of the team at Nine Graphics, the design skills of the boys at High Horse design and the patience of everyone involved, we have finally arrived at the launch of the new look.

mortgage business

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